Pastor C. Terrell Wheat and Pastor Shaun Marshall Present


A six-week foundational journey. Next cohort launching April 29th.

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You’ve been feeling stuck for years, because you don't see yourself as God sees you!

No matter how much you try to execute, show up at church, or try different courses and programs, that feeling of being stuck on manifesting what God has for you just won't budge. It's not because God isn't speaking to you. Deep down, you know what God's calling you to do. But there's something holding you back—it's your own doubts, fears, and the way you see yourself. You blame things like money, time, or your age, but the real issue is how you view yourself and your potential. But don't worry, you're not alone in this struggle. With faith and the right approach, you can break free from these barriers and start living out what God has in store for you.


Launch to Manifest

Six Weeks Of Foundational Work

Join a focused six-week journey for those who have tried it all, but still seek transformation. We understand your frustrations and offer a real starting point towards lasting change, grounded in faith and actionable insights.

Our commitment is to lay the transformative groundwork for your growth, helping you to begin seeing yourself as God does and to better leverage the tools He has given us. This program combines personal development, community support, and spiritual growth, providing the tools and encouragement you need to move forward.

Please note: Completion of this program is a prerequisite for entry into the Manifest Inner Circle launching this summer.

Launch to Manifest

The Learning Experience

  • Six engaging live training sessions led by Pastor Wheat and Pastor Marshall every Monday at 7pm.
  • Access to recordings in our learning portal
  • Focused small-group discussions during sessions to enhance learning, connection, and engagement.
  • Opportunities for personalized coaching and targeted advice during "Hot Seat" sessions.
  • Guided reflections and interactive exercises integrated into each session.
  • Applied-learning activities and homework assignments between sessions, facilitating the practical application of lessons learned.
Register Now

Launch to Manifest

Your Dynamic Leaders!

Pastor C. Terrell Wheat, the visionary behind C. Terrell Wheat Ministries, harnesses over 20 years of experience to guide individuals toward fulfilling their purpose and dreams through strategic prayer.  A respected speaker, teacher, author and trainer, Pastor Wheat’s teachings and guidance emphasize prayer’s transformative power to realize God-given dreams, demonstrating his belief that significant change HAPPENS IN PRAYER.


Pastor Shaun Marshall, the visionary founder of  the Manifest Network. Through the Manifest Network, he has been a pivotal force in aiding people to enhance and amplify their impact.  Pastor Marshall has coached and mentored individuals for more than 20 years in various roles and is sought after by God's best and brightest in business, ministry, and more. His work is dedicated to ensuring that every individual lives a life steeped in purpose.

Together, Pastor Wheat and Pastor Marshall will combine their wisdom and experiences to illuminate the path for participants, offering a carefully curated experience for those looking to deepen their spiritual connection, leverage the power of prayer, and lead a life that is free of the barriers that hold us back from all that God has ordained for us to do, be, and have.

Registration for the current cohort of Launch to Manifest is Officially Closed

Join our listserv to be the first notified when another cohort launches. Please also email us at [email protected] with questions.